'Unaeza kufanya hivi mbele ya wazazi wako siku ya harusi yako' video sparks debate


• What raised this debate, however, is the uncomfortable dad who all the while was fidgeting around his seat seemingly uncomfortable by the display.

'Unaeza kufanya hivi mbele ya wazazi wako siku ya harusi yako' video sparks debate

A recent video has left netizens divided on the topic of how explicit are you supposed to be with your partner in front of your parents.

In the video shared initially on Instagram, a couple is seen kissing during their wedding reception party as they dance cozily.

What raised this debate, however, is the uncomfortable dad who all the while was fidgeting around his seat seemingly uncomfortable by the display.

'Jamani unaeza kufanya hivi mbele ya wazazi wako siku ya harusi yako' the video captioned. 

The video left netizens divided on this topic as some agreed with the couple's display of affection towards each other on their special day, while others criticized this display terming it disrespectful.

A few of the netizens further debated that it depended on the kind of parents one had and where one was raised.

A section argued that if you're raised in the city then your parents might be open-minded and vice versa. 

Another also divulged how the type of parent you have determines, as he went into details of parents who also express their love openly.

They also distinguished it from the parents who think otherwise and never show their affection publicly. 

While others wholly put the whole thing off terming it inappropriate. 

Here are some of the comments.

gloryngalesoni: it depends on the type of parents as some have lived in towns and outside the country where they've come across such and wouldn't mind it parse they'd be clapping. 

brunoh_bx: inategemea na aina ya wazazi, imagine mzazi wako ni giggy utashindwaje kufanya hivyo mbele yake. 

judith_mwani: They should just close their eyes, sitaki utani 

ju.lieth5025: No I cannot, this is not respectful at all. 

simba_dume2323; Everything has its place, let what's meant for the bedroom remain so, in my whole life I've never seen my parents even hugging let alone kissing, so I can't do that Mbele Yao. 

zuuh5208: Personally id do it, hakuna cha ajabu hapo.

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