Mom regrets telling unemployed 19-year-old son to pay his younger sister's fees

• The story was told on popular Radio Jambo show, Patanisho.

The Radio Jambo morning hosts
Image: Courtesy

In Patanisho today on Radio Jambo, a woman identifying herself as Maggy Lenduda (33) from Samburu sent a message seeking reconciliation with her 19-year-old son, Sam Lenduda, with whom she fell out at the end of last year.

Maggy said her relationship with her son deteriorated in December last year after she asked the 19-year-old to pay his younger sister's school fees, which he couldn't do as he was unemployed.

She expressed her anger towards her son to the extent of sending him a nasty message that damaged their relationship.

"My son finished school and looked for a casual job. I told him not to forget us at home, and I reminded him that when he finds a job, he should remember us at home," Maggy narrated.

She added, "He went to Nairobi, cutting off communication. Another young man came from Nairobi and told me my son hadn't found a job. I sent him a nasty message. I asked him why he went to Nairobi without any communication. I didn't know he hadn't found a job."

When Sam was called, his mother took the opportunity to apologise, but he hung up before they could talk.

Maggy said, "When I try calling him, he says he's busy. Sometimes he cuts off the call. I don't have a husband; I am an independent person. He just left us at home. I didn't insult him; I asked him why he left, and he started taking care of himself. Maybe he found a place with a girl and started taking care of himself, forgetting about us."

When given the chance to apologise to her son on air, Maggy said, "I am still his mother, and he won't find another. He should remember where we came from, try to recall home life. I ask him to be free with me, and I'll be free with him so that we can support each other in life."

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