Importance of peaceful co-parenting

Children are the most hurt in terms of divorce.


• Toxicity in parenting always leads to affecting the children and peaceful co-parenting helps in bringing up child in the right way.

Divorced family

Many Kenyan celebrities and public figures have been in the spotlight for being deadbeat parents or absent parents in their kids' lives.

Some parents drag their children in the messes by denying them the right to see the other parent at all.

We have heard cases of celebrities who go blasting their baby daddies and baby mamas on social media forgetting there are children involved.

They end up at times directing this negative energy to the children who end up hating the absent parent.

Divorce or separation doesn't just affect the parents only but also the children are affected especially if they were close to one of the parents who left.

It is important for both parties to come together and put aside their differences and focus on bringing up the child who is not at fault.

Financial upkeep is one of the major problems that causes war between co-parents with one feeling like they have been left to cater for all the child's needs.

The child's needs should always come first and if you are in a position to pay for some of the expenses just pay for them and be at peace.


Co-parenting is not just about the financial aspect, there is also the choice of making decisions like the school the child will attend.

When the child is allowed to get a phone, or a piercing or be on social media or even introducing the children to the new partner.

Peaceful co-parenting also ensures the child is able to come to terms with the separation at an early stage and accept that the other party can not be present.

This will also prevent instances whereby the child ends up hating the other parent because in this age and era where social media is accessible they can see it all.

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