Jacque Maribe has fascinating response to Eric Omondi's claim she refused DNA test for son

The former Citizen TV journalist's son is alleged to be the comedian's biological son

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• Eric alleged that he and Jacque had a one-night stand.

eric and maribe
eric and maribe

The question of why the paternity of Jacque Maribe's son being up in the air has somewhat been answered by Eric Omondi, who has for the longest alleged to be the dad.

Eric Omondi while speaking to Ankali Ray on Milele FM, shared that there is a challenge in determining who Jacque's son's biological dad is.

He says he is not sure, "Sasa sijui. Sijui mimi but haina shida."

Eric said that he also pays child support now and then. "Muda mwingine natekeleza but muda mwingine pia," he continued.

He told hinted that a DNA test is the problem, as Ankali asked him why they didn't do a DNA to settle the problem once and for all.

"Umeipata bro barikiwe sana, ndio hiyo bro ushanielewa kabisa. Hio mambo umeipata ndio hiyo bro. Kukue na amani. Watu wengi wameshindwa kusema lakini umesema bro," Eric admitted as much.

Eric told Ankali that he is eager to do a test to determine paternity, "Kuna venye nimekuwa nikitaka," he continued as Ankali demanded for confirmation if Jacque is the problem.

"Baaas ..sitaki kuongelelea sujui kuna laywer nini, lakini napoenda venye wewe umeishika. Kuna orders sitaki kuongelelea sasa nimefurahi venye umesema wewe."

He also reiterated to Ankali that the unborn baby with his Girlfriend Lyn is his first-ever child.

"Wa kwanza kabisa, wa kwanza. Mungu amenibariki ni wangu huyu," he shared.

Jacque and Omondi had a one-night stand when they worked for the same employer, and it happened while she was in a relationship with someone else.

Omondi told that he used protection and was shocked when months later Maribe claimed she was pregnant with his child. 

“So we met at Radio Africa in 2012. I was working at Radio Jambo and Jacque was working at Kiss TV. So one random night after a Radio Africa Staff Party and after a few bottles of whiskey and wine glasses Jacque and I happened,” he told details of their romance.

We contacted Jacque Maribe about the claims Eric had made and she responded with smiley face emojies attached.

See below;

Jacque Maribe's response
Image: Instagram

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