Eric Omondi's reason for allegedly 'denying' Jackie Maribe's son

In his June 8 pregnancy announcement, Eric said he will be a first time dad, yet he is linked to Maribe's son

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• Eric hinted why he said he will be a first time dad

• He spoke of a yet to be determined case about Jacque Maribes son

Eric Omdondi and girlfriend Lynne announce they are expecting a baby

Eric Omondi is elated to be a first-time father.A day after announcing that his girlfriend Lynne is pregnant with their first child, Eric disclosed reasons he may have disowned Jacques's son.

In a video on content creator Trudy Kituis's youtube, Eric said his activism will continue

"Im going to be louder because huyo mwana siasa haelewi Eric Omondi. Nimekuwa nikipigania watoto wa watu na nitaendelea. Sasa kuna mtoto wangu anacome, auwwu Eric Omondi Junior sasa ndio nataka kushout, ndio mtoi apate iko nywee,"

His caption about having waited 41 years to be a father got many confused as it is alleged he is the father of Jacque Maribe's son.

Eric clarified the remark in the baby announcement.

"ile ingine oh sitaki kuongellelea coz its a legal thing, but si mnashikanisha coz kuna kitu nilisema pale sijui kama mnakumbuka kwanini mnajifanyanga hamkumbuki? Si mankumbuka hiyp stori yote ilikuwa stori kubwa sana?"he added

"Na mnajua penye vita ilitoka? yeah so hapa ndio penye shida iko, lakini tutaitatua."

In 2021, Jacque claimed he was a deadbeat, and Omondi denied fathering the said child.

He demanded a paternity test after public pressure over their feud. Omondi explained that he met Jacque in 2012 leading to a one-night stand, where he said he used protection.

He said she was dating another man.

"So we met at Radio Africa in 2012. I was working at Radio Jambo and Jacque was working at Kiss TV.

So one Random night after a Radio Africa Staff Party and after a few bottles of whiskey and wine glasses Jacque and I happened. It was a one-night thing because she was dating KTN's Sam Ogina at the time. WE USED PROTECTION!!!" he wrote.

2 months later Jackie said she was pregnant.

He became skeptical and questioned the chances he was responsible for the pregnancy, but the comedian said at the time she supported her claims based on motherly instincts.

"After two months Jacque tells me she's pregnant!!! I immediately ask her how since we used protection.

She then tells me,It doesn't matter the mother always knows who the Father is and that I am the Father!!!" he added.

The comedian further claimed that he only heard from Jacque when the child was 4 months when she asked him to be a present dad.

Eric Omondi later asked for a DNA test which allegedly offended Jacque."During the entire pregnancy, nothing happened and we barely saw each other.

"Roughly 4 months after the baby was born Jacque called me and asked me if I would help or be part of the baby's life.

I asked her for a DNA test so that I could comfortably be part of the baby's life and SUPPORT fully. She got very offended and Refused my request.

For 7 seven years I have begged Jacque to allow us to have a DNA Test and she has CONTINUALLY refused!!!" he claims.

Eric maintained that he has no problem supporting his son but on grounds that Jacque will provide a key piece of evidence and in this case a paternity test.

"I don't mind supporting the child but if you want me to be FULLY PRESENT and SUPPORTIVE if you want me to be a FATHER, then we have to do the RIGHT THING!!!!" Eric Omondi.

eric and maribe
eric and maribe

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