You are broke and miserable - Zari to her haters

• Zari has in the past also used her social media, especially Instagram to address critics

Zari Hassan
Zari Hassan
Image: Instagram

Businesswoman Zari Hassan is taking a jab at her haters and she is not mincing words.

The mother of five said she is doing well unlike her haters whom she described as poor and miserable.

"Knowing I never see my haters on first or business class. They are all broke and miserable. I'm glad I'm the female that's being talked about and not the unhappy miserable B doing the talking. Journey to a new business venture. I told you women at the top don't fight, we collaborate."

Zari has in the past also used her social media, especially Instagram to address critics. 

Meanwhile, her husband Shakib Cham has started a YouTube channel where he has been spilling the beans about their marriage.

A few weeks ago, Shakib told Zari on the channel that men only want to sleep with her and not wife her.

"Men vibe me because I am a beautiful woman, intelligent, I'm a good woman, I'm very hard working, there's a lot of things that men see about me and are like 'she's a good woman. But I've got everything I need, my life is complete. They will vibe me but I'm married."

Shakib then spilled the beans, "First of all, men vibe you, they don't wanna wife you or make you their girlfriend," he said

He went on to explain"Most of them just wanna use you. Not every man can handle you like I do."

He added, 'Men hit on you because you are beautiful. Everyone would want you for himself."

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