Babu Owino offers to help student hawking maize by the roadside

• The Girl leaves Kisiwa Primary school in Thika and sells boiled maize by the roadside.

School girl seen selling boiled maize at night

Embakasi Member of Parliament Babu Owino has offered to help a grade six student seen hawking  maize after school.

Owino said the girl now identified as Valerie Njeri reminded him of the days when he had to sell changaa during his Primary and High School days.

"This Girl leaves Kisiwa Primary school in Thika every evening to go sell boiled maize by the roadside which reminds me when I used to sell Chang’aa everyday after school in my whole Primary and Secondary School life.These challenges are temporary for we serve a living God who is a God of turn around.If He turned a Red Sea to dry land for Israelites to pass,He will turn around your challenges into solutions.If He turned around barren wombs into Babies,He will turn around your sorrows into joy.If He turned around skins full of leprosy into smooth skins,He will turn around your addiction into freedom,He will turn around Your sickness into good Health,Your mess to a message,your test to testimony,Your lack to abundance.Someone to get me this Girl’s contact please I want to sponsor her Education and give her Parents money to start business."

Eric Omondi also took to his socials asking for help to locate the girl.

"Anyone from Thika or Kisiwa Primary thika please help me reach this young Girl who leaves school every evening and immediately goes to sell Boiled Maize in the Streets. Very SOON all these will be History."

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