Sam West- How adultery can kill you and rob you of greatness

• Fornication on the other hand refers to when unmarried people engage in sexual relations.

A male model looking curiously at a female model's phone
Image: Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

Kenyan pastor cum motivational speaker Sam West has warned Kenyans against indulging in adultery and fornication.

Adultery refers to the act of a man or a woman having canal knowledge with someone who is not their wife or husband.

Fornication on the other hand refers to when unmarried people engage in sexual relations.

Sending his warning Sam shared

"Anytime you have sex outside of marriage you are losing some of your strengths and capabilities.

You deplete yourself by fornicating."

Further adding

"Many people are born to be kings, everyone carries strength.

You never know how much power you are losing by sleeping around."

In the past, Sam had also advised Kenyans on how to break soul ties.

The soul has three parts mind, emotions, and will. Here are three steps on how to break soul ties courtesy of Sam West 

1. You need to acknowledge and confess that you had sexual relations with someone

This means writing down a list of all the people you have slept with.

2. Get rid of gifts

Some people give you necklaces, sambas, rings among other things. Soul ties can come from covenants you have made with people e.g. words or through blood covenants.

3. Renounce/Reject the ties

In such circumstances, you need to renounce any bond you have ever made by mentioning the name of the person you want to break soul ties with.

Pray for yourself and over your life and believe that you are free.

You can take holy communion after that need to renounce any bond you have ever made by mentioning the name of the person you want to break soul ties with.

Pray for yourself and over your life and believe that you are free.








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