Over Sh19 million raised to support those injured during demos


• The current total so far has reached Sh19,468,430 million.

Supporters have come together to raise funds for those injured during Tuesday's demonstrations against Anti-Finance Bill 2024.

M-Changa Africa with their slogan "Care for the Injured" urged Kenyans to ensure those injured receive medical attention.

"The funds will likely be used to cover medical bills, rehabilitation costs, or other needs arising from the demonstrations," M-Changa Africa said.

The current total so far has reached Sh19,468,430 million.

They said that they got public support from businesses, medics, lawyers, and ordinary Kenyans and has been phenomenal.

"We still need your support to assist with the medical expenses of those seriously injured, or hospitalised," it added.

M-Changa Africa urged people to join them to ensure the cause succeeds. 

They said all donations will go to the Defenders Coalition website https://defenderscoalition.org/.

Defenders Coalition will disperse funds directly to hospitals and clinics caring for the injured.

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