Nobody lived and loved as fully as you - Larry Madowo to Njambi Koikai

• Koikai passed away on Monday evening while receiving treatment at a Nairobi Hospital

• Two weeks ago, the late Koikai had sent a health proposal to President William Ruto, who was on a 3-day national tour of the United States at the time.

Former The Trend co-host Larry Madowo mourns the late Njambi Koikai
Image: Instagram

CNN International Correspondent and host of the African Voices Changemakers and Playmakers series, Larry Madowo has joined the multitude of people eulogizing the late TV and radio presenter Njambi 'Jahmby' Koikai who sadly passed away on the night of 3rd June after a long battle with endometriosis.

Larry, today, took to his socials where he shared a vibrant video of the late Reggae MC dressed in a red blazer and black patterned pants where she appeared full of life as she joked with her friends.

In the video, the late Njambi could be heard telling Larry and his crew, "God bless you, we will see you," as she clapped her hands before she started making Rastafari jokes which caused all those around to burst out into laughter.

CNN reporter Larry Madowo with the late Njambi Koikai
Image: Courtesy

Captioning the post, the CNN journalist went on to heap praises on his former The Trend colleague describing the late Njambi as an individual who lived life to the fullest.

Sharing his pain with the masses, Larry noted a few things he wished he would have done more if he knew he would not be seeing his friend again after that day.

"Njambi Fyah Mummah, Empress, Jaber! If I knew this was the last time I would see you, I would have hugged you a little longer, told you again how much I loved you,"

"Nobody lived as fully as you did, loved as deeply or fought as hard. Rest well, my friend. Koma thaayu," Larry emotionally wrote.

Jahmby Koikai passed away on Monday evening while receiving treatment at a Nairobi Hospital. Prior to her demise, she had taken to her socials to appeal to Kenyans for blood 0+ donations. She was an Endo warrior and a Thoracic Endometriosis Survivor. 

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