I looked up to you- Senje Comedy shares private WhatsApp convo with the late Njambi

• News of Njambi Koikai's death hit the airwaves earlier today

• Just like Njambi, Senje also suffers from endometriasis and is current raising funds to travel to US for treatment

Comedienne Senje
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator, actress and comedian Sylvia Savai popularly known as Senje Comedian has shared several screen grabs of her private WhatsApp conversations with the late Njambia Koikai, following the heartbreaking news of the former radio presenter's death.

The actress who also suffers from endometriosis mourned the late Njambi, who was widely known as a endo warrior highlighting how Njambi was her pillar and strength as she worked on navigating her life with the almost, often life-crumbling condition.

In the said screen grabs that Sylvia shared on her Instagram page, the late Njambi, who had garnered popularity as a celebrated media personality and political aspirant could be seen encouraging Senje to be kind to herself through the tough mood swings that come with the condition, trust in God and keep fighting.

As per the Instagram post, the late radio presenter could also be seen giving pointers to Senje on how she could go about with opening up a paybill for her fund-raising quest as she hopes to be able to travel to the US for treatment.

The late Njambi, who in the conversations pointed out that she was going through a lot of pain herself, especially due to the intense cold weather that had grappled Nairobi during the first quarter of the year, recalled how most people did not believe her when she first shared her story and requested for financial help up until they saw her surgery pictures.

Captioning the several screen grabs that she had shared alongside a photo of Koikai, Slyvia eulogized her friend and mentor as a strong and selfless human who held her hand even when hers was trembling.

"My heart is shattered,"started off the actress.

She went on to pour her heart out penning, "Jahmbi has been walking through this whole journey with me behind the scenes... You said we have no room to give up but to keep on fighting.

You said you'll be there for me when I'm going through the surgeries and we will both come and tell our stories. You gave me strength every single time I felt like giving up, I looked up to you because I believed if you made it then I would too... My heart is broken, rest in peace Jahmby Koikai,"

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