Why CassyPool will be vying for Nairobi Governor in 2027


• Cassypool vied for a Presidential seat in 2022.

• He refers to himself as Chawa Wa Rais/ The President's Tick.


Social Media commentator Cassypool will be giving Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja a run for his money by seeking to replace him in 2027.

Cassypool said being in a political seat is the only way he can fully represent the people of Kenya.

In an interview with Mwende Macharia, he shared

"In 2027 I will be vying for the Nairobi governor seat by God's grace

My boss William Samoei Ruto will go for a second term and I cannot go against him. I have to represent people and can only do so by being in an elective post."

Why a governor's seat?

"I was vying for President.

I cannot be an MCA or an MP the name mheshimiwa (Your Honour) must remain.)

People have been asking me to vie.It is my joy that I will clinch that seat early in the morning."

Cassypool says despite not appearing serious he is a disciplined man.

"People never take me seriously. I am a politician, a husband and a content creator.

There are two comedians

Politics needs publicity and money. In 2022 I pulled out to support President William Ruto."

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