Otile Brown performs at lavish wedding ceremony for Ruto higher up

• The musician sang at the nuptials held Friday May 31.

otile brownmay 31 courtey instagram
otile brownmay 31 courtey instagram

Just In Love singer Otile Brown created an unforgettable moment for a couple when he serenaded them with his music May 311.

The wedding was for State House legal counsel Kipchumba Karori in Karen. The singer showed off his vocals at the intimate ceremony held at St John The Evangelist Catholic Church.

He arrived in style with his manager Mumbi Maina who stunned in a little red dress as they walked into the venue.

Otile wore a royal blue suit and black boots elegantly paired with a white coat.

Otile thrilled guests who rushed for a photo op with the singer, as he obliged their requests to pose outside the tents ahead of his performance.

He congratulated the love birds on their union.

"Wedding tings @kipchumba_karori and Dorothy big day , it’s na honor . God bless your union 💯" 

First Lady Rachel Ruto also attended the wedding and blessed the couple in a message

"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.  Matthew 19:6I extend my congratulations to Kipchumba Karori and Dorothy Jepchumba on their sacred union at St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church in Nairobi.

May their journey together be filled with blessings, joy and the kind of love that grows stronger every day. Here's to a lifetime of happiness and togetherness."

otile at state house wedding may 31
otile at state house wedding may 31

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