Butita emotional after going to Kariobangi,after he left 13 years ago

• Butita was among comedians who grew their wings under Churchill Show.

Eddie Butita

Kenyan creative Eddie Butita has reminisced on life living in Kariobangi.

Looking back at his growth Butita marveled at the growth he made after living Kariobangi 13 years ago.

"Kariobangi!! Thirteen years ago, I left this place to explore the world of art. I didn't know anyone in the entertainment industry, I din't even have bus fare, but driven by my desire to become a great comedian, performer, writer, and director, I embarked on a journey. Instead of playing the victim and blaming my birthplace, I seized the opportunity to write my own story."

He further added how glad he is his dreams became a reality

"Today, as I drove around Kariobangi, memories flooded back of the neighborhood that shaped me. I now speak on global platforms, advise governments, perform on international stages, and write the most watched shows, all while impacting and creating opportunities for more than 50 talents, in the country.

What was once just a dream is now my reality and it is getting better everyday. Remember, if you can hold it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands.

Today, let me celebrate my small achievements and inspire a generation."

Butita was among comedians who grew their wings under Churchill Show owned by the God father of comedy Daniel Ndambuki.

He now owns SPM Buzz, and has worked with big companies such as Netflix.

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