Butita responds to Wakimani's claims Churchill gifted them 300K and cars

• Butita is the founder of SPM Buzz.

• He was a comedian on Churchill show and Churchill Raw.

Eddie Butita

Eddie Butita has explained Wakimani's narrative that Churchill founder Daniel Ndambuki gifted his comedians cars.

In an interview with Oga Obinna, he shared that although they were not given cars, they were lent cash to plan shows.

"One day Churchill called us for a Creatives Meeting.

We were in groups of three.

Each group was to be given 200K to create a show and give back the cash later once the show succeeded." He started off

But it says his team was able to do a show but did not pay back Churchill's cash immediately.

"We planned a show in Mombasa but it did not turn out as expected.

On our way back we had around Ksh 70,000. so we did not give Churchill his cash.

One group ended up in bad terms after one of them 'ate' the cash."

Butita and his team later got a chance to plan another show in Dubai.

" After the Dubai show, We were able to pay back the cash we owed Churchill. 

From that time, we had an open check with Laugh Industries because we had paid our 

From that time my relationship with Churchill became more business.

I could take money from him and pay it back. "

Eddie Butita and Jacky Vike
Image: Instagram

The creative says that the incident strengthened the relationship he has with Churchill adding there is no bad blood between them.

According to Butita, Churchill is a good man surrounded by 'bad people'

" The place (Churchill show) was a bit toxic.

Some people were not making the show conducive.

The people in charge would bad-mouth anyone planning a show arguing you wanted to sabotage them."

In an interview with Plug Tv, Wa Kimani shared

“One day, Churchill called many of us who were in the Laugh Industry and asked us to say what we wanted.

He said, ‘

"You people claim I have never helped any of you and that I do not even support you.’ He asked us what we wanted him to do for us on that particular day. Some of us said they wanted cars, while others wanted him to support them in doing shows,” revealed Wa Kimani.

The comedians were divided into groups based on their preferences – those desiring cars and those seeking financial support for shows.

Churchill is then alleged to have provided each group of three with sh300,000 to organize and perform shows outside Nairobi.

For those aspiring to own cars, Wa Kimani said Churchill directed them to showrooms to select their vehicles.

Wa Kimani expressed that some comedians still use the cars Churchill bought for them then.

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