Salasya eulogises Brian Chira revealing what he learnt from the late TikToker


• The MP expressed sadness over the death of the vibrant TikToker and eulogized him as a big inspiration to the young generation.

MP Peter Salasya

Mumias East Member of Parliament (MP) Peter Salasya has expressed his admiration for the fallen Tiktoker Brian Chira.

The Mumias MP is among the dignitaries who attended TikTok Brian Chira's burial held in Githunguri, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024,

Addressing mourners Salasya expressed sadness over the death of the vibrant TikToker, with the politician eulogizing him as a big inspiration to the young generation.

"Chira amekua a very big inspiration to the young generation, na mkiangalia hapa hakuna mwanasiasa ata mmoja ambaye anaeza kuja. The young generation nimeona hapa leo ata sijaamini macho yangu na ni kwa sababu ya influence ambayo ndugu yangu alikua nayo."

Salasya acknowledged being an admirer of Chira, further commending Chira's command of the English language and noting he had gained valuable insights from Chira's way of expression.

"I was to go to Mombasa, but I decided to postpone that to attend this burial. I am one of his close followers. He was an inspiration. He spoke good English, and I learned a lot from him, especially how he would express himself. That is why I had to be here. I liked how he was vocal and could express himself freely."

Peter Salasya at the funeral
Image: Screengrab

He also contributed Ksh40,000 to Chira's grandmother and pledged to work with the area MP Gathoni Wamuchomba to ensure that the grandmother got further financial assistance.

"Yangu ni kumwomba Mungu aweze kuilaza roho yake mahali pema, na mimi nataka niambie mama shosh kwamba mimi kama mbunge ntaungana na Wamuchomba tuone vile tunaeza saidia na kwa vile niko hapa ntaacha mchangu wa elfu arubaini ambayo itasaidia," Salasya said.

TikToker Brian Chira was laid to rest in Ingitei village, Githunguri which is in Kiambu county. The body was picked up at the Kenyatta University mortuary in the morning.

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