Actress Njambi's weird weekend experience totally changes her worldview

• The former Real House-helps of Kawangware TV show said it had left her feeling traumatised.

Njeri Gachomba popularly known as Njambi
Image: Instagram

Actress Bernice Njeri Gachomba popularly known as Njambi following her hilarious role in The Real House-helps of Kawangware TV show has narrated a weird encounter she had over the weekend after a night of fun and merry-making.

Through her Instagram stories, the mother of 2 noted she had never believed in life being spiritual up until last weekend when she and her friends experienced a "dark force" that was borderline crippling.

"If you had told me some years back that life is spiritual aah!!! Singekuamini....," started off the actress.

She went on to recount how she and a couple of her friends went out Saturday evening, as they had on multiple encounters before because 'sherehe sheria'.

The actress and her group of friends had had a jolly great time and went back home perfectly fine but as soon as they woke up Njambi noted a presence that she could not pinpoint was hovering over her.

"The past weekend we went for drinks at a particular club, had fun, JDs were lalishwad and we went home. Waking up the next day, we had extreme anxieties, we didn't even have the strength to go to church.

I eventually went to church because the kids wanted to go to Sunday School. Let me tell you guys, I don't know what spirit we carried but Yoh!!!

Actress Njambi
Image: Instagram

"I thought I was going to find solace in Church, but my soul, my spirit ilikataa kabisa, tried worshiping, tried praying, yaani hadi maombi ilikataa kabisa," wrote Njambi in part.

Upon returning home, things did not simmer down, forcing her to reach out to her friends to inquire if they were experiencing whatever she was. Much to her disbelief, they all could.

She added that one even confided in her that she had had a dream in relation to the weird feeling but at the time could not connect the dots.

Luckily for them, after talking openly about what was tormenting them...the heaviness, and feeling of being watched left.

"Kwa nyumba, l swear I could feel there was someone watching me, even in Church, I could feel that spirit. It's funny because @trina jacquie and my other friend could feel it too. Trina Jacquie even had a dream about it but hangeitranslate saa hizo....

The weird part is that we all sat down and started 'analysing' how we were feeling, hikio kikitu kikadisappear.

It's funny because I used to feel this kitambo after a night out but I couldn't put a finger on it. I used to think it was the alcohol... Yoh!... Kumbe nilikuwa nakuja home na maspirits banaa...," the last of her distraught post read.

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