The court's decision was appropriate-Eric Omondi on Jacque Maribe's acquittal

• The two celebs have a complicated relationship in that involves the parentage of their son, Zahari.

Jacque Maribe with Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

Veteran comedian Eric Omondi has addressed the acquittal of his alleged baby mama, Jacque Maribe, in the murder case of businesswoman Monica Nyawira Kimani.

High Court's Lady Justice Grace Nzioka, in her ruling, stated that the prosecution failed to establish Maribe's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Despite her acquittal, the court raised serious concerns about the integrity of Maribe's conflicting police statements regarding a shooting incident at her residence.

In an interview with TV47, Eric expressed his joy upon seeing Maribe released and reminded her that she had reclaimed her life.

"The court's decision regarding Jacque was appropriate, and many Kenyans would agree that sometimes in life, circumstances lead you to unexpected places. However, I am pleased because her family, livelihood, and child are now secure.

She is a crucial support for many people, even in her extended family. I appreciate the court's decision. Jackie has now regained control of her life. Monica's family has also found closure. It's been a challenging five years, with the case lingering for an extended period," he remarked.

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Eric's comments come at a time when he and Jacque are experiencing an uneasy detente' after their multi-year back and forth over the paternity of Maribe's son.

While Jacque has maintained that Eric is the father of her son, Zahari, the comedian has often given contradictory statements on whether he agrees he is indeed the dad.

In the last statement Eric made last month, the comic said he was the father. During an interview on 'Ilikuaje' with Masawe Jappani, Eric shared;

"Ni mtoto wangu, tulishaongea na Jacque na nitamchukua niishi na yeye. He is my son; I have two children. I will teach him, raise him, live with him; he is my child," Omondi declared.

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