Louis Otieno addresses how Careen Chepchumba's death affected him

• Careen Chepchumba died aged 26 and Louis Otieno was alleged to have been in a relationship with her

• She was found dead in her apartment at Santonia Court in Kilimani, Nairobi.

Media personality Louis Otieno

On 12 February 2012, Careen Chepchumba, a 26-year-old employee of Kenya Power at the time, was found dead in her apartment at Santonia Court in Kilimani, Nairobi.

Media personality Louis Otieno was alleged to have been in a relationship with Careen.

This saw him named as a key suspect in the death of Careen.

In an interview with Lynn Ngugi, Louis now says he was robbed of a chance to mourn his friend.

"Those who feel negatively towards me never knew me nor did they follow anything about me.

"When they want to see me seen in bad light they made it look like she was a minor (underage). It was very difficult. Irene was 26 years old and was working,".

The late Careen Chepchumba

Louis said they would interact at work.

"I am sad because I missed out on mourning my friend. "

Louis says if he was responsible for Chepchumba's death, he would have been arrested.

"I wanted to know how to close this case and they said I needed to provide my DNA.

I was not afraid because I was not involved.  It's dehumanizing what they do to you."

He says at some point he was asked to surrender all his cars, something he refused to do after the police failed to provide an official letter for the same.

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