Women should fight for us, we are kings- Man tells Maina Kageni

Maina termed this as an illusion Kenyan men have about themselves

Maina Kageni and Mwalim King'ang'i

A Kenyan man gave Maina Kageni a call on Classic 105 In The Morning, claiming that men are kings and should be fought for by women and not the other way round.

"Men are kings! We are the ones to be fought for not the other way round. We have to go outside it's in our nature." 

Maina termed this as an illusion Kenyan men have about themselves.

"Do you know why women treat you the way she treats you, women reciprocate, how you treat her, is how she will treat you, she responds. Why should a woman respect you yet you don't respect her, you don't provide for her?" Asked Maina

He added;

"Do you know why Ugandan, Tanzanian and Rwandese women treat their men like kings? It's because those men treat their women like queens. Kenyan women are the most giving, loving and tolerant you just have to treat them right."

Mwalimu King'ang'i added "I hope you know that Kenyan men have been voted as the most romantic men"

A caller said  "They want you to be at the same level, madharau. We had parted ways but we resolves things and are back together. I had to swallow my pride for it to work. I was in a family with both parents and I didn't want my kids to grow up with one parent, thats why we came together"

Another caller said "Generation ya saa hii, wanawake ni man'gaa kwanza akipata pesa."

Another caller said "Where do you get this information from? Maina you know nothing, I ama atrck driver and I go to all these countries. The Ugandans who kneel before her man, she is the one who provides, those men don't work. The women work hard for their men. Once this Ugandan woman gets a Kenyan man, she treats him like a king because she knows Kenyan men are hard working

In 2018, I left my job because of the complains of my wife that I was unavailable. I stayed in the house for seven months and she asked me, wewe unafikiria kweli?  "

Check out reactions on X:

MC Tonje: It's true Maina, when you give good energy to your woman it won't get lost ; it will be transferred and you'll get the same or slightly more in reciprocation.

Young Professa: Hello Maina, just try marrying a lady from Kabete just for a week or two then come share your experience because apparently we are not reading from the same script. Kenyan ladies have a unique trait that can't be compared with that of Tanzanian ladies

Jennifer Kanyiri: Very true, treat her like a queen and she'll automatically reciprocate and treat you like a king you deserve to be

Josh Ot: It's only a man who can make a woman a queen,a man is a king if he earns it or fights for it or grows to be one but the queen has to be either in line to be one or has to get married to a KING

Bella Ndichu: Kenyan men are romantic on the first days, the days after...... unashika jembe. They relax and assume they've won. Hapo ndio wanaanza kusema uko na madharao

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