We steal good men from careless women- Lady confesses to Maina Kageni

• A caller said "Good men don't stray from good women, if you stray from a good woman, you aren't  a good man"

Maina Kageni
Maina Kageni

A lady left radio presenter Maina Kageni in shock after she revealed that good men are rare and are to be stolen from women who are careless with them.

"A good man is not easy to find, you have to steal him from a careless woman who doesn't value what she has," the lady told Maina

Maina then asked;

"So what they are saying is that ladies when you don't do enough he will stray."

A caller said "Good men don't stray from good women, if you stray from a good woman, you aren't  a good man."

An anonymous listener said  'My man could not stop cheating and at the moment, we are separated because he couldn't stop cheating. 

Another caller said "You can never tame a player, no matter what."

A caller said;

'If a man is for cheating, he is for cheating. I remember giving 1.3 M to my husband to start a gym. I supported my husband and it ended up that he cheated on me with women who came to the gym instructor. At the end of the day, it comes down to your character and personality. Right now we are no longer together and the gym closed down after I left.

A caller: "Men are Kings, we are supposed to be fought for not fight for women. "

A caller: I can not defend cheating

A caller "Women love married and responsible men. "

Check out reactions on X;

John Ot Joshua: Men don't cheat,they exercise options. To exercise these options you've got to be high value enough to make the woman think twice about leaving Women receive their value upfront,men build theirs from the bottom to the top & I reserve the right to enjoy fruits of my labour.

Rozzie: Lakini maina wacha kuteteanga girl child everyday kuna wanawake kisirani they don't respect their husband and contentment what will they do wakufia hapo? My brother was going through alot bcz of his wife hadi akashikwa na depression.saa hii huwezi mtajia ndoa

Shakes: That's why we are the chosen few... Remember men settle where there is peace and stability...

Dedan Markey: Maina...This is the circle...Good men don't get good ladies, and Good ladies don't get good men

Kadzo Chalo: A man is taken when searching for a 20% woman and leave the 80% in the house. As a woman before you celebrate with having taken a man know how much you hold in this man's life.Women need to understand is a no matter what happens the 80% value woman in his life hatamuacha.

Regina Thiong'o: Men stray even when they have a good woman. Ni kama kurogwa .

Brian Mwikali: You cannot “keep” a man away from another woman. And he is not “yours” and you are not “his”. No one belongs to another person, Every body has to make the choice to be loyal and true or to screw around. Fretting and being jealous will not help

Jennifer Kanyiri: Not really, it all depend on his character,,if he's a player there's no way you can tame him

Sharon Omari: Hehehe I remember back in the year 2016 when my friend's husband was cheating on her later on she found out that all her brothers in law wanted the same girl. Fear men

Titus Kemboi: Kingangi said it, wanawake wa Kenya talk to you like you in a fight, hakuna upole.. hata kuku uliza if you are hungry is like UTAKULA AMA UKULI!!!

Kiddy Bee: Men are cheats but I think there is another side of the story to hiyo yenye the madam wa gym amesema. Good men wako and wako everywhere and then kuna cheats. Mafisi

Queen B: A cheater is just a cheater, even if you give them the world,they lack self-control and are ego centric!

John Ot Josh: Ofcourse. Women are the gatekeepers to sex so if a man strays it's because she's inadequate but because he's still obligated to you,he still comes back home regardless.

Amanda Kwamboka: A good wife is earned. You don't expect a woman to keep you happy if she's not happy. I believe men should learn to give as much as they want to receive. Na kama wako hakueki vizuri wacha kusema women need to learn . Shida ni huyo wako pekee.

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