King'ang'i: Before paying her dowry, consult boda boda guys

• The comedian said boda boda riders are aware of what happens mtaani.

Maina Kageni and Mwalim King'ang'i

Classic 105 co-presenter Mwalimu King'ang'i thinks that men should ask boda boda riders about their women before they put a ring on it.

King'ang'i said boda boda riders are aware of what happens mtaani.

"Before taking dowry to villages, consult boda boda riders. They know those women. Ukipita hapo ukipeleka crate ya soda na mandizi. Boda Boda riders know mahali wanawapelekanga," said King'ang'i on 'Kasheshe' on Classic 105 in the morning.

Maina said that is valuable information. King'ang'i went on to advise;

"Kabla ujifanye mnaenda kucommit, uliza hawa jamaa wa pikipiki. They know them. Si huyu alikua na Richard, juzi tukampeleka kwa Roba, wanawajua. Na hata leo asubuhi ameamkia kwa Martin. Na hata vile anakuanga amenishika, si huyu msichana ako na moto."

Adding, "Before you commit, sit down with boda boda guys and ask about your girl. Wakikuambia uachane na yeye achana na yeye."

Check out fans' reactions;

Papi Fancy: ayayayaaaaa, mbona mnasema ikiwa late ivi?? Makosa ishafanyika😂😂😂

Andakalu Collins: Haha... It might be true...haha

Rosemary Kanyua: his kasheshe warms my heart

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