'It's a mistake to have a joint account with your wife' Warns Mwalimu King'ang'i

• A caller said a woman must love money in order to motivate a man to work hard

Maina Kageni and Mwalim King'ang'i

 Maina Kageni says that his banker friends have revealed to him that most wives do the signatories for their husband's bank accounts.

 "Yesterday I had lunch with a couple of bankers and they told me, a lot of men who have money in the bank their wives are their signatories. So men you've been lying to us? Hapa nje mnajipiga kifua and your wives control your money?" Asked Maina  

Mwalimu King'ang'i advise men to be wise "You can have a joint account but kuwa na yako kando. Kunaeza umana. Guys, does your woman have control over your money?"


" It is a mistake to have a joint account with your wife.

If you do, please have another account fir You are left with nothing.

By the time a man gives a woman control of his money, amekaliwa. Why are you giving her your money.

Every single deal you do she must know. Kitakuramba sana.

If you are an Indian thats OK but if not then do not give your woman access to your cash.

One day you will cry."

 A caller said "A woman must love money in order to motivate a man to work hard, a woman who doesn't love money, will lead you to poverty as a man. So always engage her on matters to do with your money and financial plan."

Check out fans' reactions on X;

Peter Waiyaki: Maina wacha mtu asave kivyake i can't even try to open an account with her pesa ni saitani

GK Pope: Hii pesa wanaume unaona wanachezea majority ni pocket change real plans are run by women business family and rest if it has to be successful and when things get rough the man is on the receiving end

Wallington Kiptoo: Maina Bibi Hafai Kujua penye pesa Yako Iko

Davd Ogeto: Kila mtu aweke pesa kivyake. Mtakua mnacontribute mahitaji ya familia tu

Dickie Murimi: Ladies are good in preserving money unlike men let men give them a chance to control their money

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