Gospel star Mwana Mtule detained at KNH over Sh450K bill

• He is pleading for Sh450K to pay off his medical bill

Alpha Mwana Mtule
Image: Courtesy

Gospel singer Alpha Mwana Mtule is pleading for more help from the public. The singer said he should be out of the hospital but cannot be discharged as he has a bill to pay.

"Hello family, still Bado nimefungiwa huku Kenyatta hospital because wanataka balance yao ya 450k, nimekua discharged, Asanteni FAM mumenisaidia tukawalipa 462k ya matibabu. Naomba munisaidieTumalizie hii balance yao ya 450k Anything you have plzz send to me  tumalizie my Mpesa number ndo hii 07 25 46 83 73 name is PETER wangudi For Now tuko 17k Kindly family help me nitoke huku Nimekua kama mfungwa wao tena 🙏."

In another Instagram message, Mtule said he was not faking anything.

"Hello family ukiwa uko na uwezo Wakunisaidia nisaidie tu Naskia Watu wanasema Mimi nafake .Nimekua discharged na Kenyatta hospital But balance yao ni 450k Mimi mwenyewe ata sielewi vile kumeenda 😞 ju niliwapea ,462k Shs yenye mlinichangia asanteni family 🙏But Sasa saizi nafaa KUWA home wamenizuiya Mpaka niwape balance yao 450k am confused kidogo #KNH MY MPESA NUMBER 07 25 46 83 73 name is PETER wangudi Nisaidie nitoke huku tuko ,17k shs send anything little you have thank you #support though sijapona poa Lakini nitaponea tu nyumbani ju huku hii bill yao inaongezeka Daily 🙏🙏🙏 kindly fam help me 🙏."

In a past post, Mtule said he was poisoned at a friend's house.

“I’m not dead; I thank God for saving my life. I was poisoned at a friend's place in Rongai. I will talk soon and explain what happened because now I’m still not feeling well…I’m still alive and police are investigating for the suspects,” Alpha said.

“Guys naumia sana nasoma comments watu wakisema…ni clout chasing please stop, Ju ata saizi hali yangu sio nzuri vile mnafikiria, I was poisoned I Did Not try to kill myself,” Mtule said.

“Nimeishi na mungu wetu Street’s for. Nine years nikikula kwa taka taka Nilikua chokora pipa, sijawai ata fikiria kujiuwa, mbona nijaribu kuijiuwa wakati kama huu mungu Ananipanga,”

“Kipaji Mungu wetu Amenipea ni kubwa kushinda clout chasing, najua adui mnanitafuta kuniuwa ,nyi endeleeni tu MUNGU WETU haezi sahau Huyu Boyz 😞 #MIMI."

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