If you are under 25, stay single- Sam West

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

• According to Sam getting married early increases the chances of divorce.

Sam West

Sam West has advised men who are aged 25 and below to remain single.

According to Sam getting married early increases the chances of divorce.

Below are five reasons you should not get married below 25 according to Sam West.

You need to discover yourself

Below age 25 is a time to discover your dreams and ambitions.

It is a time to discover who you are and what tickles you.

Use the time to find out God's purpose in your life

Instead of rushing to get married how about using your early years to seek what God's purpose in your life is?

Funny as it may seem, most people end up miserable because they are not living their lives as God intended.

Travel the world

In the Kikuyu language, it is said that 'A person who never travels always assumes their mum is the best cook.'

You can only learn something new by traveling. You might see something that might change your life view.

Use the years before 25 to travel the world, meet new people, and make new connections.


Before getting married experiment with businesses and other things.

It gives you time to start again in case you make mistakes along the way.

This is the time to treat yourself

It is only by loving yourself that you can love the other person.You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Before getting married at 25, buy that shoe, go for that trip live life, and be you.

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