Aunty Jemimah- I was a drug addict in High School

• Aunty Jemimah says at some point she had to be taken to the rehab.

auntie jemimah gukena fm
auntie jemimah gukena fm

Gukena FM Radio presenter has shared her journey as a drug addict back in high school.

The content creator says although she has now changed her high school days were not easy.

Sharing her journey with Jeff Kuria, she narrated

"In high school, I got into an addiction.

I went to four high schools. At some point, I went to rehab before moving into a new school."

How did she start taking drugs?

" I was a rebellious teenager, the school I was in we would be given the Sunday afternoon off.

The school was also near a ghetto so I ended up getting access to the drugs."

Jemimah says at some point she over-dosed

" I once tried an injection for the first time and I ended up blacking out.

I found myself in the hospital after three days."

What were her parent's reactions?

"I would be disciplined but the drugs I had taken had numbed me.

I was however a good student, I was the top candidate that year."

In conclusion, she shared

It is good to learn from people's mistakes, you might never live long enough to experience your own.

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