Aunty Jemimah discloses what caused the death of her baby

The entertainer says her rainbow baby is the best gift she has ever received.

• Jemimah says her boyfriend has been very supportive.

• She is currently enjoying her maternity leave.

Aunt Jemimah
Image: Instagram/Aunt Jemimah

Gukena FM radio presenter Aunty Jemimah says pushing a dead child was very traumatic for her. The new mum says welcoming her second-born and hearing her cries is the best gift life has given her.

Speaking during an interview with Kamau Mwangi, Jemimah shared

"We lost the baby due to Gestational Diabetes. It was not detected early enough, the day I was to go for the test I postponed it as I had something else I was doing.

I was to go on a Friday but I pushed the appointment to the next week. I do not know exactly at what point the baby died.

The baby died a day or two before I got to the hospital. I lost her at 34 weeks, only six weeks to term."

Jemimah says the experience is still painful. She sought therapy immediately after she lost her child, but that did not help her deal with the triggers she faced.

"Carrying a pregnancy is a ticking time bomb. I went for therapy immediately after I left the hospital.

There are so many triggers. I lost the baby in September and seeing other people's kids would trigger me, seeing other women pregnant also triggered me.

The hospital records were also a trigger for me, I had to keep them away until I bumped them when cleaning up the bedroom, that was also a trigger. Grief can come at any time."


"There is a day I was in the middle of the show when I started crying.I dealt with it by going for therapy and by interacting with women who have heard kids."

How did it feel being pregnant for a second time?

"Carrying a baby after loss is a tough journey because you are constantly worried.I was on constant medication because of gestational diabetes.

I would take nine tests of my sugar level every day. I am an overthinker so I was constantly worried.

The constant worry affects your blood pressure, I thank God we made it through it.

The first time I pushed a dead baby so when I delivered this second child I felt like I had been born again. She is perfect."

Aunty Jemimah has advised couples to embrace therapy and talk about loss.

Gestational diabetes is diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy (gestation).

Like other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes affects how your cells use sugar (glucose).

Gestational diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.

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