Murugi Munyi quits alcohol over a scary incident

• Murugi Munyi says this happened over a week ago and has left her shaken. 

• She used a moment in a library to share some tidbits of what left her making such a decision.

Murugi Munyi
Murugi Munyi Murugi Munyi
Image: Mercy Mumo

Content creator Murugi Munyi has confessed that she has quit alcohol over a near-death experience.

She says this happened over a week ago and has left her shaken. 

She used a moment in a library to share some tidbits of what left her making such a decision.

"Where am I right now? Wrong answers only"

A fan replied "Kwa bar" adding the beer glass emoji.

Murugi denied it saying "I told you people mi nimeacha hiyo maisha for real for real. The way I almost died last weekend? ah ha" She refused that suggestion.

She shocked her fans with her confession of a near-death experience. They quickly urged her to speak further about it.

"Heh For real. Some people just wake up and decide to quit like Lydia Kim, but I had to go through this experience to learn my lesson" she shared a bit 

Other fans were amused at her decision and sent her memes about not really quitting alcohol but sipping once in a while.

"For some reason, you people dont believe me, but let me tell you guys...what I went through last week, even the word ALCOHOL is making me want to throw up"

She begged Kenyans to stop teasing her that it was all a joke

"But wait when it has been one year, like next year November, when it's a year and I can say I stopped alcohol after my near-death experience, I dont think you people understand how I was feeling last week Saturday." she vehemently shook her head.

The mother of three has promised fans that time will tell if she is serious or not. She has no plans to backslide

"Wait for it to be three months, 6 months, a year and you will know that I was serious because guys I can never, eh even the word alcohol the thought of it is making me want to throw up. That's how bad it was" she continued to narrate.

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