Ruth Matete's daughter Toluwa instantly recognizes her father in a portrait

So cute!!! Ruth Matete amazed as daughter recognises her late hubby (video)

• In a video that has melted hearts, the singer said that she has never shown her daughter a picture of her dad and so this moment meant so much to her.

Ruth Matete with her daughter Toluwa
Image: Instagram

Reyna Toluwa is the beautiful daughter that singer Ruth Matete and her late husband Pastor John Apewajoye had together.

But unfortunately, he died before he could meet their bundle of joy with the late cleric losing his life after a gas cylinder accident at their apartment in Athi River.

The mother of one has now shared a sweet moment that happened on Tuesday, Oct 10, where their daughter recognised her dad in a portrait presented to the young girl.

She lovingly hugs the portrait and tells Ruth that it's 'Dad'.

In the video that has melted hearts, Matete said that she had never shown Toluwa a picture of her dad and so this moment meant so much to her.

"I’m so shocked! I have never shown her this picture. I have never had a conversation with her about this topic. She saw the picture and said it’s her dad😢."

Beloved John Apewajoye’s death in 2020 left Matete vowing to remain single. At the time of his death, she was in her first trimester.

"Tears just rolled down my face. I don’t know where I got the courage to record it. 😢One day I will tell her about it."

This had been weighing heavily on her mind over whether her daughter could comprehend the matter.

"When she can understand stuff. But now am worried. She watches cartoons and sees a family is mum, dad, sister, and brother."

In another update on September 2022 through her YouTube channel, Matete revealed that she wanted to be the first one to tell her daughter about her dad's death.

Ruth then expressed fears that daughter Toluwa would approach her with those difficult questions.

"What if she asks me now where daddy is? Can she understand? What will I tell her?😢She can’t let go of the picture since she saw it. 🥰😭Meanwhile, this Yoruba man was so hot. Chaaiii!! 🥰💛"

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