Si Mzungu Mwitu!! Ruth Matete shares details of her new man

Ruth has delughtfully confessed that she is in a new relationship

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• The 38 year old minister had announced she was searching last year

• Ruth did not reveal the identity of her new bae

ruth matete smiles courtesy instagram
ruth matete smiles courtesy instagram

Vocal coach Ruth Matete is back on the dating scene.

Matete's has opened up about dating after her late husband's death. Her hubby died in 2020 after a gas cylinder exploded in their home.

Speaking to her best friend Reverend Dad aka Mzungu Mwitu, Ruth admitted to moving on and loving the newfound peace.

The two have been best friends since 2015. They met at a youth conference in Eldoret where he asked her to sing.

There have been rumors that Mzungu Mwitu and Ruth are dating. She dispelled the rumors "Jesus if they knew" she laughed off the suggestion.

"I am not pregnant, I am not dating you (Reverend dad), guys I am dating someone else" she dropped the bombshell news.

Realizing what she had just said Ruth said "shhh oh my God, but yes I am dating I can't say I am dating, ngai dating ni nini? "what does she mean?

"There is someone I like, he likes me and we talk. We are having coffee, and we text each other every morning Good night, and how is your day going" she burst out into laughter again. Mwitu told that he was a friend to her husband even before meeting Ruth.

Ruth got married to her late husband in 2019.She opened dup about how the two met, leading to their marriage

"Funny enough God answers prayers regardless of how not serious your prayer would be. I have always asked that I meet my man in church and he sees me worship God. We were invited separately to an event.

When I walked in late, worship was going on he was kneeling I didn't see his face nicely coz he was bowing down and I was like eish okay. After him, I was the next person ministering."

She did not fall for him right away, but later.

"After service is when he came to say hi. and I gave him my number coz he asked for it. The rest...."

Ruth was previously married but lost her hubby four months into their  marriage.

The hurt and trauma resulting from the accident is something Ruth has never forgotten.She was blamed for his death.

She took a break from social media, following his death, and when she returned after seven months on his birthday before she gave birth.

"The online bullying affected me much later. I was two months when he passed and dealing with the loss of a husband and early first pregnancy if someone had told me that I would go through it, nah, but I thanked God for grace" The gospel minister added.

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