Akuku Danger was in ICU for a week where he came close to death

'I was floating in darkness...' Akuku Danger's near-death experience

Akuku Danger
Image: Instagram

Akuku Danger had a near-death experience several years back when hospitalized something that he spoke about on the Iko Nini podcast.

During the episode, Akuku went down memory lane about a coma he had had for 7 days in the ICU. He said that he had Pneumonia, TB, and Sickle Cell. He lost memory describing how he found death's peace.

"I don't know if I can say I had given up really but when I was in ICU I think dear viewers," he gave a caution.

"Death is actually peaceful, not that we advocating for it, no, no no, dont get it wrong, I'm just trying to give my perception. But I think death is very peaceful. Bro nilifika place fulani it was just total darkness.

Hakuna kelele, there is nobody you are seeing, it is just you floating in darkness and there was just one particular star that I could see, very beight. You feel like you are floating, umechill tuu hivi. It was actually peaceful."

That was a hard time for the comedian. His scare as a sickler tops his list.

"That's why ukikufa, things get deleted, so that you are peaceful, your mind is at peace, the way you came is the way you go back. That's how the Bible says it."

"It doesn't matter if you are a politician, all those get erased unarudi ukiwa clean slate. I think that is the closest I've ever come to death," he added.

This was over a seven-day period in ICU, "It means deeper that sleep, there's nothing because hata huna movement,"  describing how immobile he was in his bed.

"So you are just there vegetative. There's nothing, there's no movement," further adding about his memory loss.

He later was moved to HDU for the recovery process. It wasn't easy. He is now grateful for family, friends, and life in general.

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