Jalango sad to have missed Saturday concert at Uhuru Gardens

Jalang'o given strict instruction after hospital stay

• He is under strict instructions to rest.

courtesy instagram
courtesy instagram

Jalang'o is under strict instructions to rest in order to heal from surgery arising from an Achilles tendon. The MP has been discharged from a local hospital where he underwent surgery for an Achilles Tendon.

He injured himself last week Tuesday, Sep 26 during a bungee basketball training.

"Last Tuesday during our morning Bunge basketball training I had an accident that tore my Achilles tendons, I had reconstructive surgery done and I am back home as the 6 week recovery journey begins," he shared details.

While he was hospitalized for a few days, he was visited by his family and friends who consoled him.

"I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your QR wishes and all of you who visited me at the Nairobi hospital. I want to thank the whole team of Nairobi hospital led by Prof. Atinga for the amazing job and their general hospitality and service. We are down but not out! Our able Langata team will be in charge of constituency matters closely monitored by myself. ASANTENI saana!"

According to MayoClinic.org, Achilles (uh-KILL-eez) tendon rupture is an injury that affects the back of your lower leg. It mainly occurs in people playing recreational sports, but it can happen to anyone.

The Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone. If you overstretch your Achilles tendon, it can tear (rupture) completely or just partially.

If your Achilles tendon ruptures, you might hear a pop, followed by an immediate sharp pain in the back of your ankle and lower leg that is likely to affect your ability to walk properly. Surgery is often performed to repair the rupture. For many people, however, nonsurgical treatment works just as well.

Ruptures often are caused by a sudden increase in the stress on your Achilles tendon. Common examples include:

Increasing the intensity of sports participation, especially in sports that involve jumping, Falling from a height, and Stepping into a hole

In Jalango's case, the Achilles tendon occurred during sports that involved running, jumping, and sudden starts and stops.

Meanwhile, Jalango expressed regret for missing out on the biggest night in Kenyan entertainment.

On Saturday, Sep 30, Fally Ipupa, Tiwa Savage, and Nyashinski performed at the Uhuru Gardens.

The concert was highly attended but Jalang'o owing to his injury did not attend.

"Sherehe inatwangaa hii Nairobi leo...na mimi niko hospital..Awuoro!!!..Machoos tupu," he captioned laughing at his state.

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