Things to do if you are suicidal

• Having lost his brother in 2015, Motivational speaker Sam West has advise for anyone battling such thoughts

hanging rope

Suicide cases have been in the increase not only in Kenya but around the world.

Most of these cases are caused by Mental illness among them depression.

Having lost his brother in 2015, Motivational speaker Sam West has advise for anyone battling such thoughts

Here are is what to  do in case you are feeling suicidal

Take a break

If feeling pressured in school or at work take a break and re-evaluate what is important.

Bad days don't last

Just because you are going through a problem today does not mean tomorrow won't be better, hang in there.

Keep in mind that God has a plan for you and that you matter

Sometime when faced with life challenges, we might feel like God doesn't care which is not the case.

It might look like no one cares for you but you matter.

Stop placing expectations on people

Putting expectations on people is the biggest way to get disappointed.

Let your expectations be realistic.

Seek professional help

If battling suicidal thoughts it is advisable to visit a Professional.

This is because some cases are influenced by existing or mental illnesses that have not been diagnosed.

Take it easy

Societal, work and social media might pressurize you into doing things that you might not have wanted to.

This brings with it pressure that might end up affecting a person's mental health. If you feel your mental health is at stake, take a break and breath.

Speak up

A problem shared is a problem is half solved.

Find someone you can trust and share with them about what you are going through.

They might not solve all your problems but they might give you advice that might be handy.


Counselors, medics, and psychologists advise that you can always reach out for help when experiencing any mental health issues. Call Kenya Red Cross toll-free hotline, 1199 for support.

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