Impacts of suicide on the family left behind

• Counselors, medics, and psychologists advise that you can always reach out for help when experiencing any mental health issues. Call Kenya Red Cross toll-free hotline, 1199 for support.

Sam West

In recent days there have been increased cases of suicide among young people.

Motivational speaker Sam West lost his brother to suicide in 2015.

Geoffrey Mburu was discovered lifeless after days of going missing.

In an interview with Mpasho, Sam says the people most affected by suicide are those left behind.

"The people who are affected the most are those left behind.They start doubting themselves and question what they could have done better. One might at times feel like their actions e.g. disciplining them might have led to the suicide.

You live with regrets, one needs a lot of counseling.It leaves a big hole and makes one feel like they are not enough. Society also starts looking at you funny thinking you are suicidal as a family."

Why do you think more and more people are taking their lives?

" The issue of suicide cases has been on the increase.Kenya is around number 5, One of the reasons why suicide issues have increased is mental issues.People are depressed, There are different types of depression ranging from post-natal, and anti-natal Psychotic depression, etc.Some of these depressions give people hallucinations.There has also been academic pressure, especially on campuses. Financial constraints."

Sam says most suicides have been due to frustrations and disappointments from failed relationships.

"Character development can finish you. For most people who have been dumped, their first thought is suicide.

Some get into alcoholism, revenge mode, rebound relationships, etc, the deeper people get into these the more suicidal they become.

People's coping mechanism is different. How people have been brought up and how they also matter.

Nowadays most families don't have fathers, Fathers give kids love, protection, and affirmation.Such children might end up in the wrong hands."

In  August and September 2023 several suicide cases have been reported. They include

  • A 15-year-old girl from Bande girls in Nyatike sub-county, Migori county took her life on Sunday. 
  • An 11 Year old committed suicide in Ndoroto Village in Naivasha.
  • A guard died by suicide after jumping from 15th floor of a city building along Mama Ngina Street, Nairobi.
  • A man died after jumping from the third floor of a building in a suspected suicide in Kahawa West, Nairobi.
  •  A middle-aged man ended his life over a loan of Sh500,000.
  • Man kills his two kids then turned to self in Sunton, Kasarani.

Counselors, medics, and psychologists advise that you can always reach out for help when experiencing any mental health issues. Call Kenya Red Cross toll-free hotline, 1199 for support.

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