Why Kenyans forgive cheating partners


• Would cheating lead you to break up with your partner?

Kwambox and Chito
Image: X

 On Morning Kiss with Chito and Kwambox , the duo was curious as to whether Kenyans would forggive a cheating partner

The question came after US basket baller Dwayne Wade admiteed to having wanted to break up with Gabriell Union after he found out that he had a son with another woman.

The two have been in therapy for 9 years trying to solve the same matter.


Kwambox: Even if you listen to this guy, forgiving then later we hear you have been in therapy for the same matter is a complete no. This guy wants to go away maybe because he is guilty or he just wants to escape the matter.

Chito says when you get into marriage you have to understand each other through thick and thin.

 Here are some of the Kenyan's opinions;

Caller 1: it's either I cheat back or we just end the relationship.

Caller 2 : I would just forgive, it's all about understanding and if you do it again I would still forgive.

Brian: Cheating is a breach of trust, if I forgive you that means that I won't trust you again. We will keep solving that matter again and again.

Gatugi19: It depends with who he has cheated on me with.....kama ni mdem hivihivi eeeiiii nitamcrucify na ...saa huyu ni Dem wakucheat on me with shually really...apo tunaeza discuss you know ... with the other eeeiii zziii no talking..is a byebye...

iamDaviee: It’s enough reason enough to break up I can’t stand it, especially with a child involved.

Allan_pappy: Not really buh because women have a soft heart they'll forgive en get over it...... For men nah it's a done deal, men never get over it.... Cheating is cheating... No room for cheating 😢😢😢

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