I will be the next President after Ruto- Dr Cassypool declares [Video]

• He also mentioned that during his recent visit to Bungoma, Yesu wa Tongaren also prophesied the same and therefore he is working towards achieving this goal.

Kevin Odhiambo Onyango popularly known as Dr Cassypool
Image: courtesy

Former presidential aspirant Kevin Odhiambo Onyango popularly known as Dr Cassypool has declared that he will be the next president of Kenya after William Ruto.

In an interview with Mpasho’s Dennis Milimo, Cassyppol said that he is confident that he will be the Head of State come 2032.

He also mentioned that during his recent visit to Bungoma, Yesu wa Tongaren also prophesied the same and therefore he is working towards achieving this goal.

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