Pika Na Raych! People said I aborted after losing my first pregnancy

• Raych waited for three years for her to conceive again after she lost her first pregnancy.

• She says people spread rumour that she had carried out an abortion.

Gospel artist Kaymo with his wife Ryach Gitau alias Pika na Ryach.
Image: Instagram

Content Raych Gitau, alias Pika Na Raych has shared her experience after she lost her first pregnancy.

Raych is the wife of Kenyan musician Kymo of the famous song 'Thitima.'

Sharing her experience during an interview with 

'I started dating in 2009. In 2013 we broke up for a year.

I dated other people, we got back together after that (2014).

He had also dated other people but things did not work. We came back and started planning our wedding in 2015."

Raych has been married to Kymo for 8 years.

"After honeymoon tulikosana.

The first day after we got home, the house was still not organized, I tried making the bed and he said I had made the bed 'badly.'

He started googling and showed me how to make a bed.

I was so pissed off and even thought of going back home."

Not soon after they got pregnant.

"I got pregnant and it was not a valid pregnancy.

It was an ectopic pregnancy, this is where the baby is not growing inside the womb.

My baby was going in my Fallopian tubes and it ruptured.

We never had time to process the news that we were pregnant."

Raych says before that she had gotten sick, but unknown to her she was pregnant.

"I was feeling sick and went to a certain hospital, I explained my symptoms and the doctor did a scan and the doctor said that I had gallstones and a sexually transmitted disease.

I was given medication.

I collapsed while in Malindi, and I was rushed to the hospital. I explained to the doctor what I was told during my visit to a hospital in Nairobi.

He confirmed that I had gallstones but I did not have any sexually transmitted diseases."

The content creator was told to go back to Nairobi and seek medical intervention.

"I was turning pale and Kymo rushed in to help me, I was in pain. By the time we got to the hospital, I was pale and disoriented.

I was taken in as an emergency. The doctor told me I was pregnant and that I was having an ectopic pregnancy.

I was told I need to go in for surgery immediately, I was bleeding but it was not coming out. My medical coverage could not 

They needed a deposit of Ksh 350,000 immediately. We called Kymo's mum who is a doctor and she told us to go to Kenyatta.

She had arranged everything and I was immediately taken in."

 Raych says the doctors told her she was lucky for having survived.

"Unfortunately I lost one of my Fallopian tubes.

The first thought that came to my mind was that I would never be able to get pregnant.

The healing journey was tough, some people including family and friends said I had tried to abort.

We waited for three years to get another child."


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