Conditions under which you should submit to a man-Sam West

Sam West says you should only submit to a man who lives like Christ.

• Nadia Mukami recently knelt while serving her husband.

• She said she was shocked to learn that women from Uganda learn when serving their husbands.

Image: Citizen

Last week a video of songstress Nadia Mukami kneeling while serving her husband Arrow Bwoy went viral.

The video elicited different emotions with some people feeling like she was overdoing it.

The latest video that have left many questioning what and when to submit is that of the now famous Tik Toker Sue Owino.

Her favorite slang revolved around 'Have you cooked for your husband?'

In her videos many argue she is submissive because her husband treats her well.

She is a rare gem as most women would never submit in this day and age.

Speaking to Mpasho, Motivational speaker Sam West says 

"Whenever the modern woman hears the name submission it triggers them.

Most think that being submissive means being under a man while it only means doing what a man says.

The man has to love his wife so that he can be submitted to, if he is not Christ like  do not submit.

This means giving himself up for you, he should be willing to walk with you, love you. cherish you and he should be there for you like Christ is present to the church.

If he is all that, submit and do not argue."


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