MP Peter Salasya attacks Namwamba for giving Azziad Nasenya a job

Salasya attacks Namwamba over Azziad Nasenya

• The MP accused the CS of appointing Azziad only because he had a crush on her.

• However, Events Guru Chris Kirwa differed sharply with Salasya - advising him to stop belittling fellow youths. 

Azziad Nasenya and CS Ababu Namwamba
Image: courtesy

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya sadly seems to have joined the bandwagon of netizens criticizing Azziad Nasenya's new government position.

The MP made this known after he took to his Twitter account to throw jabs at the Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Sports, and the Arts, Ababu Namwamba.

Where he accused the CS of appointing Azziad only because he had a crush on her.

And in saying so he backs up the notion trolls have been sharing online that the 22-year-old did not deserve her appointment in the newly formed arts committee.

In a post he shared on Twitter, Salasya claimed that the CS was attracted to TikToker dancer Azziad Nasenya and that giving her a job at the Talanta Hela Committee was purely favouritism.

"Ababu Namwamba what exactly attracted you to this lady to get confused to use government platforms to impress her?

Wacha kuangusha luhyas in gvt hii kitu ungefaulu tu bila hizi zote.When I call Ababu as an MP for serious engagement, he can't pick up calls but he is quick for this nonsense." Salasya wrote.

However, Events Guru Chris Kirwa differed sharply with Salasya - advising him to stop belittling fellow youths. 

"Ministry Of Youth Affairs / The Arts And Sports - Please note. @AzziadNasenya is a youth who is creative in her own way, intelligent & very focused. I was fought badly when young trying to use my talent then at a broadcasting station. Support your fellow youth. Stop the nonsense," Kirwa wrote. 

Azziad Nasenya
Image: instagram

Just the other day, Azziad put out a statement saying how prepared she is for her new role.

"I am a firm believer in the potential of the creative economy as a fulfilling career and source of income, and beneficiary of the same. I, therefore, commit to applying my knowledge and experiences gained in the digital space as a content creator to support the growth of the creative sector and ensure that the vision of Talanta Hela is realized.

I am ready to work with colleagues in the committee and all industry stakeholders to fulfill the mandate bestowed upon me. I believe that with your support, the future of the creative economy is bright. Together let us put money in our pockets." Azziad wrote on her Instagram page.

The Talanta Hela Committee committee was formed to help in overseeing the creative economy space in the country.

The tweet which currently has over a thousand replies displeased a lot of netizens who called out the MP for being jealous and trying to sabotage the CS over malicious and pointless claims.

Salasya now joins other high-ranking politicians such as Kileleleshwa Member of county assembly Robert Alai who have also expressed their dissatisfaction with the appointment of the young influencer and TikTok dance sensation, Azziad.

"I love and respect Azziad. However, I don’t know her competence. Beyond TikTok dancing, I don’t understand what serious things she knows about the creative economy or even identifying talent.

 We have enough Kenyans who know much more about this. I can share some names." Alai quipped.

Azziad caught wind of all the banter going around and finally responded to it by highlighting that she is a beneficiary of the creative economy thus she knows a thing or two about navigating the industry.

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