Common things only 'poor' people do on weekends

Tumia pesa ikuzoee.


• Most 'poor' people assume weekends are for boiling cereals and restocking the fridge but that does not have to be the case.

• Don't let anyone lie to you that pesa ni mbaya, work hard there is no dignity in being poor.

Things only poor people do
Clothes on the hanging line. Things only poor people do

In Kenya, there is a very big margin between the rich and the poor.

Where they visit and what they do during weekends sets them apart.

Instead of bad-mouthing people who are rich for living a posh lifestyle how about working hard to live such a lifestyle?

There is no dignity in being poor.

Below are things that remind you, that you are still 'poor'. 

1. Boiling cereals

Most 'poor' people assume weekends are for boiling cereals and restocking the fridge but that does not have to be the case.

2. Doing laundry

For most 'poor' people, calling Mama Fua is a luxury they cannot afford. so what do they do? They spend their entire weekend doing laundry.

They also use the weekend to thoroughly clean the house.

Some even use the time to wash their car instead of paying someone else to clean it.

3. Undoing your hair

Undoing braid on the weekend is a set activity for 'poor' people.

During weekends most people will be out for lunch or on spa dates.

4. Gossiping with neighbours

There is a very big difference between catching up and gossiping.

Most poor people have nothing to catch up so they do what they know how to do best, gossip.

5. Cooking Chapo

Who said Chapo's can only be cooked during the weekend?

If you still wait for the weekend to cook Chapo, work hard siz.

Don't let anyone lie to you that pesa ni mbaya, work hard there is no dignity in being poor.

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