Isaac Mwaura's wife talks about motherhood challenges

Mummy guilt for me gets overwhelming and debilitating - Mukami

• Nelius Mukami has encouraged mothers not to give up on raising their children.

• Mukami said she wonders if she is making the best decisions for her son.

Mukami Mukami
Mukami Mukami
Image: courtesy

Isaac Mwaura's wife Nelius Mukami has encouraged mothers not to give up on raising their children.

The mother of one shared a photo of her with her son talking about how motherhood can be overwhelming.

According to Mukami, no one talks about the difficult parts of motherhood which include; exhaustion, frustration, loneliness, and sometimes, even depression. 

"I think one thing that we rarely talk about is the reality of motherhood.

But the worst of it is the never-ending state of Guilt! I often feel like motherhood for me is ever-ending management of guilt: am I doing the right thing," she said.

Mukami added that sometimes, she wonders if she is making the best decisions for her son.

"Mummy guilt for me gets overwhelming and debilitating."

She added that social media is one of the things that really fuels the guilt.

This is because it is so carefully curated that people will only share the successes that give us an unprecedented brand of expectations and a general feeling of incompetency. 

She encouraged mothers to know that they are doing enough.

"Motherhood is a choice we make every day to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of our own, to teach the hard lesson, and to do the right thing even when we are not sure what the right thing is ... 

and to Forgive yourself over and over again For doing everything Wrong... A message to all mothers out there, YOU ARE ENOUGH!" she shared. 

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