Tileh Pacbro slams netizens pressuring people to get pregnant

He was defending Keranta and Mungai Eve after they shared crazy DM's they receive

• Tileh has one kid with his Spanish fiancée, Martina Glez.

• His rant comes in after netizens attacked Keranta and Mungai Eve for not getting pregnant.

Tileh Pacbro calls out netizens pressuring people to get pregnant
Image: Instagram

Kenyan-born dancer and digital content creator David Otieno Itsusa popularly known as Tileh Pacbro is angrily calling netizens who feel like they have shares in other peoples bodies/lives just because they connect with them online.

On his insta stories the choreographer asked people to bury the idea of constantly asking people when they were planning on getting kids as children were not just a commodity you could buy and replace at will.

"Where do people even get the audacity to ask someone else to get pregnant?" Mused Tileh.

He went on to add, "How do you even begin to type crap on a stranger's page? Some crap like that as if kids are a pair of shoes which you can just buy and replace at will?"

"Kids are a LIFETIME responsibility! I bet you most of the people pressing others to get kids would definitely not be able to raise even one!" angrily finished off the father of one.

Tileh's rant comes in barely days after popular content creator Mungai Even and Keranta shared weird direct messages they receive from netizens pressuring them to get pregnant.

Keranta shared a DM from an incredibly rude netizen who asked her why unlike Felicity Shiru and Georgina Njenga she had not yet gotten a kid.

The entitled individual went on to imply that Keranta shouldn't even call herself a queen as she was childless.

Youtuber and model Keranta
Image: Instagram

Making things worse, they insinuated that there was a probability the YouTuber could not get pregnant.

Replying to the message Keranta said, "Why do people think being pregnant is a trend and it is cool? Most backward reasoning ever!"

She went on to encourage her followers not to fall prey into such stupidity.

"Usitake mimba if you're not yet ready to bring a child into this earth. It isn't a cool trendy thing for social media! Wake up young generation and don't be misled." Keranta wrote.

Honestly she's such a queen with overflowing grace, her response was everything without even having to name call or throw insults.

What is your take on netizens pressuring social media personalities to get pregnant while they play no role in their/ the kids life?

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