Poet lovers to be treated to a thrilling show by the poet master Gufy

Gufy is a Performing Poet and a celebrated visual artist.


• Gufy  is also the 43rd Slam Africa Poetry Champion.

• Phy of the famous Taboo hit, and award-winning Tetu Shani will also be performing.

He will be hosting the poetry show 'The Other things and Love.
Performing Poet, film maker and traveler Gufy. He will be hosting the poetry show 'The Other things and Love.
Image: Instagram

They say you have ́t experienced Poetry if you ́re yet to taste what Gufy serves.

The Other Things and Love is a Poetry concept that follows a couple's love story but other than showing obvious love flow, it focuses on the other things.

Gufy is a Performing Poet and a celebrated visual artist who has mastered the art of conveying his feelings, and thoughts and painting a canvas through the lyrical arrangement of words to the audiences.

He is also the 43rd Slam Africa Poetry Champion.

Slam Africa Poetry is a Continental spoken word, poetry, and beat-box event held in Nairobi for various Poets and Artists across Africa to showcase their talent and express themselves while entertaining and educating the audiences.

Slam Africa has held over 65 editions.

The event which is Slotted for the 19th of October 2022 at the Kenya National Theater, it boasts a stellar lineup that includes Stella Kivuti - a Slam Africa Poetry Champion, Phy of the famous Taboo hit, and award-winning Tetu Shani.

Gufy has urged poetry lovers and Kenyans to turn up for the show as he promises a masterful performance.

It will run from 6 pm to 9 pm.

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