Size 8 talks being loud and aggressive in marriage

Size 8 said being loud and aggressive to her husband didn't work, so she became submissive

•Size 8 said what makes a woman beautiful is being quiet and calm

•Husband Dj Mo noticed this transformation

Size 8 and DJ Mo
Size 8 and DJ Mo
Image: courtesy

Size 8 chooses to lovingly serve and submit to her husband DJ Mo to solve issues in their marriage.

Size 8 told that her now calm and gentle spirit has changed her marriage.

Speaking to YouTuber Priscilla Ndanu on the segment PourItout, Size 8 admitted how she almost failed her marriage by being loud and aggressive. She defended herself saying that's how she thought would counter her man's ego.

Size 8 sought God to find out what she could do differently.  She wasn't happy with the words of God about changing herself.

"I used to fight in my prayer room in my secret place and God told me how you behave will change them, will draw them to God, and God told me I'm not gonna work on your husband, I'm gonna work on you. And I was so offended."

Changing meant being a quiet and graceful woman in marriage.

"So I learnt that submission is not a weakness. And a gentle and a quiet spirit when my husband anaruka juu, you know how men sometimes their ego... but God told me that is him to deal with me but you do your part."

Size 8 added, "If your identity is in Christ you will not have a problem submitting to your husband because you won't feel the need to (inaudible) because you are confident in who you are."

Explaining further about submitting to a husband Size 8 explained.

"As a woman, your identity is in God, Christ, and you have the power, you have authority in Christ and when God now tells you to submit to your husband you don't feel small. You don't feel less because you know who you are in Christ so just submitting does not make you feel anything less."

Size 8 also spoke about experiencing loneliness early in marriage because of expecting a lot from her man.

She explained that women think they will finally be happy when they get married.

"I feel for sure many women have that problem, I had that problem in my early marriage wondering huku kunaendaga aje. I  experienced loneliness in marriage when I began especially when I got pregnant. You know me and my husband used to spend all the time together then when I got pregnant and I had to stay home due to bedrest and issues with pregnancy I felt so alone."

She added that, "I had this funny expectation that I was getting into a marriage that this person is gonna be used by God to fulfil your need."

Size 8 urged Prophetess Janet Sospeter to talk about loneliness in marriage.

Prophetess Janet Sospeter said, "Humanity was created to connect to God 247. Now the problem is putting your husband where God is supposed to be. it will kill you."

She went ahead to quote Mathew 22:37.

"When Jesus occupies  your heart he releases in you the capacity to submit and relate right with others and that which he releases comfort, that comfort is more than the comfort of a man."

Size 8 told that even DJ Mo noted her changed demeanour.

"One day we were in a certain hotel and then he told me 'Eeh babe ume mature these days!'."

Size 8 added, "Many women are getting into marriage out of pure loneliness."

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