Bibi wa simba! DJ Mo defends Size 8 after her church drama

DJ Mo ready to protect his wife Size 8 like a lion

• Size 8 was trending after a viral video of her casting demons out of a woman.

• A Facebook fan told DJ Mo to protect his wife and make sure nothing sheds a bad light on Pastor Linet.

Size 8 and DJ Mo
Size 8 and DJ Mo
Image: courtesy

Gospel singer cum Pastor, Size 8, has been trending on social media platforms after a viral video and photos of her exorcising demons from different people in her church were shared.

Size 8 in the video is seen casting demons from a lady she claims is a pastor but has been held by demons.

"Lose him now...he is a pastor...angels hold his feet Today, lose him in Jesus name...out in the name of Jesus…." Size 8 uttered while rebuking the demonic spirit. 

This happened last week on Friday. Size 8 had taken to her social media to write;

"So many young people gave their lives to Jesus Christ today at Dandora primary school wow to God be the glory @pastortmwangi thank you for the invite."

The videos and the photos have been misinterpreted differently by her fans.

According to some, such are fake miracles and people should be careful about them. Andrew Kibe termed the video as a 'theatrics show' and fake pastors.

"If you see people praying and speaking in tongues run away for your life," he said.

According to Kibe the God he serves is not a chaotic one that accepts to be shouted at.

"If I can't allow you to speak to me in that manner, what about God? If they have long praise and worship sessions, run. If they are performing miracles, run. If they are preaching the Bible, leave. This is since they are not preaching about reality," he said.

A Facebook fan told DJ Mo to protect his wife and make sure nothing sheds a bad light on Pastor Linet.

Responding to the post, DJ Mo vowed to protect her like a lion.

"That's wife to a simba(lion)," he wrote back.

This is not the first time DJ Mo has defended his wife from haters.

In February this year, DJ Mo threw Ringtone out of Size 8's event after he tried to cause drama when she was launching her album.

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