'Dark seasons reveal your true friends,'- Abel Amunga says he lost many friends after his son-in-law's death

•She lied that we were needed to sign some documents at the hospital, I wondered what documents as we had signed everything.

Ruth Matete and Abel Amunga
Image: File

Barely five months into her marriage, Tusker Project Fame winner Ruth Matete lost her husband Beloved John Apewajoyein through a fire accident. 

She was left distraught and was expectant with their daughter Tolua.

Speaking about the incident on the segment ‘Oh Men’ Matete’s dad Abel Amunga says the death hit him like a ton of bricks.

“It was really hard on me, I was insane. If you don't know how to lean on God then you are done, If I did not know God blood pressure would have finished me.

I have had blood pressure for some time due to the many things I have gone through. She (Ruth) was called by the hospital to be given the news of her husband’s death but she never told me.

She lied that we were needed to sign some documents at the hospital, I wondered what documents as we had signed everything.

With my little wisdom, I knew he had died. She knew I have always had issues with blood pressure hence she did not want to throw the news at once,” Abel told Robert Burale. 

Ruth Matete's Dad added that his fears were confirmed once at the hospital.

It was like the world was crumbling on me. Little did I know that this was going to be an exodus of negative things from the public.

It was bad, an innocent person expecting a baby not being given time to eat nor get fresh air while being questioned at the DCI.”

Matete’s dad says the biggest lesson that experience taught him is that the people you least expect are the ones who will stick by you.

“Dark seasons reveal your true friends. There are people I expected but they were never there, I received zero from them.

Tragic moments are like a sieve, the true friends will remain of the sieve, what goes down are the friends I thought would stand by me. The ones who stood by me were the unexpected ones, very few.”

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