Itumbi joins Kenyans protesting the murder of Meru blogger

• Sniper was reported missing on 2nd Dec, with his body was found dumped near the banks of the Mutonga River in Tharaka Nithi County on December 16, 2023.

The mysterious death of Meru-based blogger popularly known as Daniel Muthiani aka Sniper continued to generate discussion online.

While calling for an investigation, Dennis Itumbi recalled his own horrifying experience of being kidnapped, and fearing the outcome.

"2021. On a day like today, kidnappers picked me up, tortured me, and almost killed me just because I held a different opinion from their masters. I lived to tell the story. I thank God."

Itumbi thanked God for sparing his life, noting the situation is worse for others. He called for an end to extra-judicial killings

"SNIPER, the Meru blogger, was KILLED! Strangled and thrown into a river, his KILLERS must face the law! We can not allow some people to practice the law of the jungle because they can not stand criticism, whether positive or negative, fair or unfair. People must grow thick skin! Asante @DCI_Kenya for steps so far, unmask the killers! I know the pain. We owe it to Sniper's family to unmask the cruelty!"

Itumbi also spoke about Sniper's cruel death

"I am a BLOGGER. #BloggingIsNotACrime The ONLY Christmas message is #JusticeForSniper Hii UFALA na UJINGA must STOP. Disagree with me, but do not KILL! Enough is Enough! Justice MUST be served.

I use my Social Media pages to pass key messages, I use my social media pages to ask questions I use my space to get feedback, connect dreams to opportunities, and importantly, #SystemYaFacts Just like SNIPER did. DO NOT KILL US! Arrest the killers of SNIPER."

Even Car enthusiast Khalif Kairo called for justice;

"His is sniper, a blogger from Meru who was tortured and killed in the most brutal of ways. My president HE @WilliamsRuto , Please say something. You promised under your watch that such things would not happen. Please intervene. #JusticeForSniper."

Fiery lawyer Miguna Miguna heavily protested the seemingly slow response of police

"Kenya is a violent society that has been run over by the culture of impunity. On this Christmas Day, Kenyans demand to hear from @DCI_Kenya and Japheth Koome about the barbaric murder of Sniper!" 

Sniper was reported missing on 2nd Dec, with his body was found dumped near the banks of the Mutonga River in Tharaka Nithi County on December 16, 2023.

A postmortem examination conducted on the deceased's body at Marimanti Level 4 Hospital Mortuary showed Sniper was tortured before being strangled to death.

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