Mombasa teacher in ICU after being stabbed by her banker bf

• Witnesses claim that a disagreement erupted between the victim, a teacher at a school in Mikindani, and the suspect, a banker, at a local bank in Changamwe.

Crime Scene Tape
Image: FILE

A teacher in Mombasa is currently in ICU at  Aga Khan Hospital after she was stabbed several times by her banker boyfriend.

The suspect who is the lady's estranged boyfriend is currently being detained at Changamwe police station.

The duo arrived at around 7:30 pm on Monday and parked their car near Salama Estate in what her family says was an attempt to resolve their longstanding dispute.

Witnesses claim that a disagreement erupted between the victim, a teacher at a school in Mikindani, and the suspect, a banker, at a local bank in Changamwe.

By the time locals intervened, she was bleeding and in agony with a knife still lodged in her back.

She was then rushed to Port Reitz Level 4 Hospital by bodaboda riders, where she received first aid treatment and was later transferred to Aga Khan Hospital at around midnight for extensive care.

According to the victim's sister Rachel Bana, the teacher is stable for now

“She is a bit stable now, but she really sustained deep cuts. She underwent surgery last night from around 1 am till around 3 a.m., and they were able to remove the knife stuck in her back. From there, they took her to the ICU to stabilize her because she had lost a lot of blood,”  

The banker has been released on police bail.

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