Police officer jailed for 15 years for raping and impregnating a 16-year-old


• Omwaha is said to asked the minor for sex, grabbed her by the hand and defiled her.

•The police officer based at Rapogi Police post in Uriri constituency was on Tuesday sentenced to 15 years for defiling the teenager.

Policeman jailed for 15 years for raping and impregnating a 16-year-old

Migori High Court Resident Magistrate Angela Munyuny sentenceda POlice Officer for defiling a girl aged 16.

The police officer based at Rapogi Police post in Uriri constituency was on Tuesday sentenced to 15 years for defiling the teenager.

He was sentenced after he was found guilty of the offence.

He was also found guilty of an alternative charge of committing an indecent act with a child.

The court heard that between March and April 2021, Howard Omwaha, 38, as a police officer defiled the teenager when she came to babysit for his wife.

Omwaha is said to asked the minor for sex, grabbed her by the hand and defiled her.

The accused person is said to have threatened the teenager not to report the matter.

The court said the police officer committed the offence while he was working at the gender desk and knew his action was against the law.

He is accused of paying the minor Sh1,000 to buy her silence.

The minor later got pregnant and delivered a child and the court was told the officer paid Sh3,000 to support the child and tried to buy silence from the family.

The minor continued with her studies.

The accused prayed for leniency saying he has three children and two wives.

He was however handed 15 years in jail.

He has 14 days to appeal the sentence.

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