Wana Kondoo! Meet The Beautiful Women Who Belong To Pastor Omba's Praise & Worship Team, Kula Kwa Macho

Piece by: Caren Nyota

Gone are the days when church was meant to be one of the most boring places. You were expected to attend a service from morning to evening, listening to the boring pastor preach, leaving many dozing off. But nowadays things have changed, thanks to the digital pastors.

From the pastor's flashy clothes, shoes, expensive watches, American accent and of course the melodious voices from the praise and worship team, church is an interesting place to go nowadays. Most choir members and praise and worship teams are sexy women who leave many especially Team Mafisi flocking the church in the name of seeking God's redemption.

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Well, Congolese pastor Eric Omba and Spotlight Media CEO has finally introduced the beautiful women who keep worshipers entertained every Sunday at his church.

"Church praise and worship Team," he posted accompanied by the photo below